Neon Fountain Lunch sign at Watson’s Drug

Watson Drug & Soda Fountain in Orange

Carnation Ice Cream and neon “Fountain Lunch” sign at Watson’s Drug & Soda Fountain in Orange.

I live about 2 minutes from the Orange Plaza, which is more than just a traffic circle, it’s a place where movies and tv shows are filmed to get that old American small town feel. My wife and I travel through there everyday to and from work.

But on the weekends, we love to visit Watson’s Drug & Soda Fountain for an old fashion vanilla shake. This sign hangs over the side of the diner facing the street. It sort of reminds me of something I’ve seen in an old 1950’s movie.


Ramon has been an avid photographer for over 20 years. He runs and contributes to several photography sites including and OCPix. His main expertise is in advertising and online marketing but photography has always remained a top priority. For photography reviews and tutorials visit my OCPix Youtube Channel!

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Ramon has been an avid photographer for over 20 years. He runs and contributes to several photography sites including and OCPix. His main expertise is in advertising and online marketing but photography has always remained a top priority. For photography reviews and tutorials visit my OCPix Youtube Channel!